Business Environmental Risk
Business Environmental Risk is defined by ASTM as “a risk that can have a material environmental or environmentally-driven impact on the business associated with the current or planned use of commercial real estate, not necessarily related to those environmental issues required to be investigated in this practice. Consideration of business environmental risk issues may involve addressing one or more non-scope considerations.”
The common non-scope environmental business risk items referred to include:
Asbestos-containing building materials unrelated to releases into the environment
Biological Agents
Cultural and Historical Resources
Ecological Resources
Endangered Species
Health and Safety
Indoor Air Quality unrelated to releases of hazardous substances or petroleum products into the environment
Industrial Hygiene
Lead-Based Paint unrelated to releases into the environment
Lead in Drinking Water
Mold or microbial growth conditions
PCB-containing building materials (ex: interior fluorescent light ballasts, paint, and caulk)
Naturally-occurring Radon
Regulatory Compliance
Substances not defined as hazardous substances (ex: those referred to as emerging contaminants) unless or until such substances are classified as a CERCLA hazardous substance)
Business Environmental Risk is by definition, very broad and can encompass many types of risk, not limited to the above list.