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Integrated Physical
Needs Assessment


(855) 966-5888

IPNA’s (formerly GPNA's) are an evaluation process for existing buildings to assess the physical conditions of a property, as well as energy, water, and health needs. Once complete, an IPNA will recommended improvements to enhance building operations, energy and water efficiency, and correct any known deficiencies. Ultimately, an IPNA is a tool used to secure financing for a scope of work at a property.


Agencies such as New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR), New York City Housing Development Corporation (HDC), and NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) require an IPNA as part of their financial application processes. Rehabilitation projects at existing buildings applying for 4% to 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) in the state of New York require an IPNA. Furthermore, data accumulated from IPNA’s can be utilized for New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s (NYSERDA) incentive program for existing buildings.


KOW Building Consultants is approved by both New York City’s Housing Preservation Department (HPD) and Housing Development Corporation (HDC) to provide IPNA services throughout the five NYC boroughs and across NY state. A typical IPNA report would include the following:


Physical Needs Assessment (ASTM E2018-15 Standard Guide): Evaluates the physical condition of a building, including identification of critical, short-term, and long-term physical needs, active defects, potential improvements to existing physical conditions, and associated construction costs.


Energy Audit (ASHRAE - Level II Audit Guidelines): Evaluates a building’s energy and water consumption to identify and display savings and cost analysis for specific energy efficiency and water conservation measures that are both capital intensive and low-to-no cost.


Heathy Homes Assessment: Identifies housing-based health issues and makes recommendations for building maintenance practices and measures that promote healthy living conditions, such as the use of sustainable materials and integrated pest management practices.


For more information regarding Integrated Physical Needs Assessments, please see the following links to the NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) sites:

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